
How We Began

Intertech’s roots can be traced back to the 1950s when an entrepreneur named John Lane began as the North American sales representative for German slitter manufacturer Dienes GmbH. Over the years, he began embracing a broader vision. He teamed with Bernt Suppe Sr., head of Dienes GmbH, to partner on a new engineering and distribution venture. With Suppe’s faith and manufacturing support, John Lane founded Dienes Corporation USA in 1954.

After two decades of successful partnership, John Lane separated from Dienes Corporation. To his credit, his vision of integrating engineering and production requirements into the manufacturing specifications had become the standard approach for the industry. With a pledge to carry on their father’s “knowledgeable” approach, Gary and Peter Lane founded Intertech Precision Ltd. in 1978.

Today, Intertech is a global leader providing slitting knives, knife holders, and systems for the paper, nonwovens, plastic, and textile markets. We have expanded our offerings to include additional consulting services and important new technologies, improving the safety and speed of production set-up. We are confident that Intertech is now poised for even greater success.

What We Do

Intertech helps converters and manufacturers of abrasives, fiberglass, foil, nonwoven, paper, plastic, rubber, and tag and label cut the materials they need while improving product quality, reducing production costs, and ensuring maximum slitting production uptime. Intertech products cut widths, depths, and speeds to help our customers meet today’s dynamic market needs. Intertech also offers the best slitting machine services like custom blade design, knife sharpening, honing, and more. Intertech Precision, Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of automated slitting solutions, knife holders, shafts, knives, and slitting components. Founded in 1955, the company was a manufacturing and converting industry pioneer.

Intertech established itself quickly by delivering real answers to slitting and converting needs.

Since then, we continue to build momentum as we:

For computerized self positioning slitting modules, edge-trim systems, narrow width sliting, razor slitting and score slitting.

Our worldwide customer base now includes over 200,000 shear, score and razor blade knife holders.

We have distributors and OEMS serving North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Adding to our senior management team, opened branch offices in 2001, and expanded our Internet presence to improve the distribution helpful information.

Contact Us Today

Watch us continue to make history and request a quote from Intertech Precision for your slitting machine solutions.